imc FAMOS, Comprehensive Data Processing and Signal Analysis Software

- Data source and file format management
- Multi-faceted visualization
- Comprehensive data analysis with function assistant
- Report creation
- Quick processing of large data sets: 64 bit technology
- Automated macro-supported work flow
- Project oriented work approach
- Synchronize measurement data with maps or videos
- Integrates with imc Studio
- Free Reader Available
No matter where the data originates – test stand, test setup or mobile measurement – imc FAMOS combines all the tools you need for professional visualization and analysis of your data: from data importing to print-ready reports. With a vast number of analysis functions and powerful automation options, imc FAMOS provides quick results.
Specifically designed for analyzing daily measurement data, imc FAMOS is ideal for engineers and technicians who wish to solve their tasks efficiently.
Data administration
File Assistant easily scripts the interpretation and format interpretation conversion of data fi les; no more tedious data importing! Data source administration ensures that the correct formats and options are applied, based on data file locations.
Display data
Seeing is believing: The intuitive Curve Window visualizes measurement data in imc FAMOS; there are many display types for your data, such as color maps, 3D and 2D histograms or waterfall charts - to name a few. Dialog driven confi guration and toolbars for most common functions enhance your productivity.
Viewing & comparing data
Can you imagine combining a test run oriented file browser, file importing, visualization curve windows, overlaying test data with reference curves, using sequences, and a report generator, all into one easy to use tool? The solution is called imc FAMOS Data Browser.
Presentation with Panels
The Panel is not only used for multi-page display of data, it combines visualization, automated analysis and the creation of test reports. Typical displays are, for example, curve windows, tables or text boxes. You can also utilize active input elements such as functional buttons and text entry fields.
Introduction to imc FAMOS Software
Data Processing Automation using imc FAMOS Software
Automation & Graphical User Interface, GUI
Increase your efficiency and automate routine tasks. While interactive analysis is great for getting a feel for your data, complex and repetitive tasks benefit from the straight forward sequences of imc FAMOS macro commands and intuitive operation of the dialog editor.
FAMOS Rapid Data Viewing & Analysis
Test reports & documentation
Cutting & pasting plots and tables can work for one-time test reports, but repetitive analysis benefits from the time savings of report templates and automatic updates, export and printing.
Data analysis
Forget tedious programming or column-based spreadsheets - using the imc FAMOS formula assistant you can directly apply analysis functions on signals or even entire groups of signals. Everything in a single step - with impressive speed - even when it comes to large amounts of data.
FAMOS Professional | |
FAMOS Enterprise | |
FAMOS Standard | |
FAMOS Reader |
imcFAMOS 201811_Ed1 Analysis & Reporting Software Tools Brochure |
imc FAMOS Datasheet Datasheet |
Axle and gear box testing on farm vehicles App Note |
imc FAMOS Brochure |
A mobile test laboratory for WLPT consumption testing App Note |
- Graphical User Interface ease of design capabilities
- Imc Hardware configuration and administration
- 3rd Party Hardware Interface available
- Visualization and Analysis of measured data
- Efficient trigger logic for Automated Data Acquisition & Control
- Real-time analysis and results captured and display
- Automated Test Sequence & Control options
- Complete Real-Time Test Automation
- Analysis platform for sound & vibration testing with imc measurement systems
- Analyzers based on standardized test routines
- Acoustics in the context of a universal measuring system
- Additional synchronized data acquisition of signals such as force, pressure, strain, temperature, GPS, etc - for analsyses and correlations
- CAN vehicle bus integration